N.M. festival to highlight Native filmmakers
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Native filmmakers will be a big part of the upcoming Taos Talking Picture Film Festival in Taos, New Mexico.

Chris Eyre, of "Smoke Signals" and "Skins" fame, will receive the Taos Mountain Award. He plans a surprise screening, The Albuquerque Journal reported.

The Eagle Award will be given to a group of indigenous Mexican filmmakers. And Nobel Peace Prize laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum, a Mayan activist from Guatemala, will be the featured speaker.

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Interaction a Big Part of Taos Festival (The Albuquerque Journal 2/28) [Account required, or highlight text to see article] Taos Talking Pictures Festival Planned Despite Budget Cuts (The Albuquerque Journal 2/28) [Account required, or highlight text to see article]

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