Senate Indian Affairs business meeting and hearing
The Senate Indian Affairs Committee held a a business meeting and oversight hearing today.

Two bills are on the agenda for the business meeting. They are S.952, to fund training for tribal leadership, management, and policy through the Morris K. Udall program; and S.3192, a bill affecting leases for Oregon tribes. Both were approved.

The hearing focuseed on a Government Accountability Office report that said the Indian Health Service lost $15.9 million in property and wasted millions of dollars on equipment that isn't used by employees.

The hearing lasted about 90 minutes. Audio clips can be downloaded below::
Opening Statements

Panel 1 - Testimony | Q&A
Director, Indian Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville, MD

Managing Director, Forensic Audits and Special Investigations Unit Government Accounting Office, Washington, DC

Panel 2
Former Deputy Director of Office of Finance and Accounting, Indian Health Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Committee Notice:
OVERSIGHT HEARING on Indian Health Service Management: Lost Property, Wasteful Spending and Document Fabrication (July 31, 2008)

GAO Report:
IHS Mismanagement Led to Millions of Dollars in Lost or Stolen Property | Summary

Related Stories:
Business meeting added to Indian Affairs hearing (7/29)
Senate hearing this week on IHS mismanagement (7/28)
Editorial: IHS mismanagement hurts patients (7/28)
Sen. Nelson questions IHS mismanagement (7/25)
Senate sets hearing on IHS mismanagement (7/23)
GAO Report: IHS lost $15.8M in property (7/22)