
Energy Blog: Tribes succeed with energy efficiency programs

"In honor of this week’s Indian Energy Tribal Summit -- happening now in Arlington, Virginia with American Indian and Alaska Native leaders -- we thought we’d tell you about two Tribal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) success stories that were recently posted on the Technical Assistance Program blog.

In Nevada, the Duckwater Shoshone Tribe is using their grant funds to conduct energy efficiency retrofits on three buildings: the Tribal Administration building, the Health Clinic facility and the Tribal Gymnasium. The retrofits include new insulation as well as the installation of more airtight exterior doors. The majority of the EECBG fundingis being used to replace over 70 outdated or broken light fixtures with more energy efficient lighting options, such as Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFL’s) and occupancy sensors to turn off lights and HVAC systems when the buildings are not in use.

In southwestern Oregon, the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians are using their EECBG funding to support a much-needed streetlight re-lamping project. The tribe has 160 decorative light poles installed across its lands, and the EECBG funds helped replace the poles’ 150-watt high-pressure sodium lights with more energy efficient 50-watt LED lights."

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Energy Blog: Two Tribal Success Stories from the EECBG Program (Department of Energy 5/5)

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