Tim Giago: Winters in South Dakota set records that still stand (February 21, 2011)

It was five below zero when I left home for the office this morning. The forecast calls for a high of 14 degrees above zero today and, believe it or not, folks in Rapid City are saying, “Oh good, it’s...

Cedric Sunray: Playing the 'poor little Indian' in Abramoff scandal (February 21, 2011)

The Abramoff slam fest continues with another article pushed out by the Associated Press and carried in last week’s Native American Times. This time Michael Scanlon is going down and once again the many male tribal leaders who got...

Native Sun News: Navajo man files lawsuit against McDonald's (February 21, 2011)

Attorneys for a Navajo man who was allegedly kidnapped and tortured by three men have filed suit against the McDonald’s Restaurant that employed the men.

VI Waln: Native Americans still dealing with insensitivity in media (February 21, 2011)

First, I want to thank Perry DeCory for all of his hard work in seeing the KOYA-FM Radio Station project through for the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. Our tribal radio station is scheduled to go on the air February 24. I...

Charles Trimble: Wounded Knee occupation had positive effects (February 21, 2011)

I read with great interest Tim Giago’s column on the 1973 American Indian Movement’s occupation of Wounded Knee village (WKII), and the militants’ nearly three months standoff with the FBI, U.S. Marshals, Tribal police, and the vigilante Goon squad. There...