
Democrats slam Rep. Ryan's budget plan for Indian Country

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), the running mate of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, wants to cut funding for the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, House Democrats said today.

In a report, the Democrats on the House Natural Resources Committee said Ryan's budget would cut $375 million from the BIA and $637 million from the IHS. They also said his proposal to issue Medicaid block grants directly to states would cause more illness and death among American Indians and Alaska Natives.

“This slash and burn approach to our budgetary problems will end jobs, end vacations, and even possibly end lives," Rep. Ed Markey (D-Massachusetts), the ranking member of the committee, said in a press release.

Ryan serves as chairman of the House Budget Committee. His Path to Prosperity plan would cover fiscal year 2013 and set budget levels from 2014 through 2022.

Ryan's district in Wisconsin does not include any reservations but it's home to a racetrack that the Menominee Nation wants to turn into a casino. Only 0.3 percent of the population there identifies as Native American, according to Wikipedia.

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