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Native Sun News: Oglala Sioux Tribe to draft alcohol laws

The following story was written and reported by Brandon Ecoffey, Native Sun News Managing Editor. All content © Native Sun News.

OST drafting new laws on legalizing sales of alcohol
By Brandon Ecoffey
Native Sun News Managing Editor

PINE RIDGE — According to tribal officials the Oglala Sioux Tribal council is now preparing to meet on drafting laws that will allow for the consumption and sale of alcohol on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

The creation of laws pertaining to the possession, consumption, and distribution of alcohol on the reservation were held in legal limbo since the tribe voted to legalize in August. The vote that saw over 4000 tribal members turn out to vote was higher than the last tribal presidential election.

However immediately after the election allegations of voter fraud and several other electoral anomalies were brought forth by tribal members. The last of the pending legal challenges to the election, filed by Carla Cheyenne and Misty Little was dismissed by Chief Judge Mary Wynee on December 12, 2013.

Pine Ridge district representative Larry Eagle Bull said that after a meeting in Rapid City the council determined to meet on the reservation to discuss drafting the specifics of laws addressing how the tribe would proceed to implement the legalization of alcohol.

Late last year the tribe had determined that they would be the only legal distributor on the reservation and that each of the nine districts on the reservation would have the opportunity to open their own store to sell alcohol.

A date for the meeting to draft the laws has yet to be determined.

(Contact Brandon Ecoffey at

Copyright permission Native Sun News

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