National | Federal Recognition

Comment period on BIA federal recognition closes on August 1

The Bureau of Indian Affairs is officially accepting comments on its new federal recognition regulation.

Notice of the rule was published in today's issue of the Federal Register. That opens a public comment period that ends August 1.

The new regulation has been in development for more than a year. A first round of listening sessions was held last summer.

The BIA will be holding a new round of public meetings and tribal consultations next month. The sessions will be held in Marksville, Louisiana (July 1); Portland, Oregon (July 15); Keshena, Wisconsin (July 17); Brooks, California (July 22); Billings, Montana (July 24); and in Mashpee, Massachusetts (July 29).

The most significant change allows petitioners to demonstrate their existence as an Indian entity starting at 1934. Previously, some groups had to go as far back as the late 1600s and early 1700s.

Federal Register Notice:
Federal Acknowledgment of American Indian Tribes (May 29, 2014)

Relevant Documents:
Proposed Rule | Press Release | Comparison Chart (comparing current rule to proposed rule) | Response to Comments on June 2013 Discussion Draft | Frequently Asked Questions

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