Native Sun News: Crow Creek Sioux Tribe expands voting rights

The following story was written and reported by Karin Eagle, Native Sun News Staff Writer. All content © Native Sun News.

Crow Creek extends voting rights to off-reservation tribal members
By Karin Eagle
Native Sun News Staff Writer

RAPID CITY — The Crow Creek Sioux Tribe, facing a new election season this year, has created what many hope will be a ripple effect. The Crow Creek Sioux Tribal members who live off the reservation will now be allowed to cast their vote for tribal elections.

Most tribes in the nation are not set up to allow for non-reservation residents to have a vote in any level of tribal government. There are few exceptions to this, but by and large the tribal members who are living off the reservation, even in towns bordering the reservation are denied the right to vote in tribal elections.

The Crow Creek Sioux tribe is organized into three Districts. The Tribal Chairman and all other positions are elected every two years and elections are not staggered. Primaries occur in March and General Elections taking place in June.

The Tribal Council appoints the Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer from among their membership. The chosen individual serves for two years. The Chairman is elected at-large.

Native Sun News will follow the election as well as report on any feedback from the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe’s membership that have finally received their right to vote.

(Contact Karin Eagle at

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