Family of Indian teen killed by police stage protest in Oklahoma

Mah-hi-Vist GoodBlanket was shot to death by police officers in Oklahoma on December 18, 2013. Family photo

Family members of an Indian teen who was shot and killed by police officers in Oklahoma will hold a protest this Friday.

Mah-hi-Vist Goodblanket, a member of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, was killed at his family's home in Clinton on December 18, 2013. The officers who shot the teen were awarded medals by the Oklahoma Sheriff’s Association.

"Since the senseless shooting death of my son, Mah-hi-vist, the path of justice and truth has revealed and continues to reveal the convoluted laws written, initiated and up-held at the local, state and national level that protect those who are in place to serve and protect life," Melissa Goodblanket, Mah-hi-Vist's mother, wrote in the September 15 issue of The Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribal Tribune.

Agenda for rally on September 26. Image from Facebook

The rally takes place from 10am to 4pm at the South Plaza of the Oklahoma State Capitol in Oklahoma City. Visit or for more information.

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Native Sun News: Police officers who shot Indian teen get medals (8/28)

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