ASRC supporting anti-drilling complaint
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Two representatives of Arctic Slope Regional Corp. (ASRC), an Alaska Native corporation, said on Thursday they supported a request to investigate an anti-Arctic drilling environmental group.

Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation (KIC) and the village of Kaktovik have asked the I.R.S. to investigate Alaska Wilderness League, a Washington, D.C., environmental group opposed to drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. Inupiat Eskimos who have ownership in ASRC and KIC also have mineral rights to land in ANWR and support oil and gas development.

"It's clear that the Alaska Wilderness League's . . been conducting illegal activities," said Tara Sweeney, an ASRC representative. Sweeney and Richard Glenn, vice president of ASRC, said they supported the "courage" of Kaktovik in asking the I.R.S. to investigate.

"I applaud [Kaktovik] for having enough . . . courage . . . to stand up to an environmental industry that rakes in $9.6 billion a day," said Sweeney.

Adam Kolton of the Alaska Wilderness League said he respected the views of ASRC but said the corporation should spread its billion dollars in revenue more wisely among Inupiats so they won't be dependent on drilling.

The group works closely with the Gwich'in Nation, an Athabaskan tribe that opposes drilling.

Today on Indianz.Com:
Inupiats: ANWR oil needed to survive (10/26)

Relevant Links:
Arctic Slope Regional Corp -
Alaska Wilderness League -
Gwich'in Steering Committee -
Oil Issues in ANWR, US Fish and Wildlife -
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Pro-Development site -

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