Wednesday, March 5, 2003

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Pitting tribal self-determination against the federal trust responsibility, the Supreme Court on Tuesday put a dramatic halt to the Navajo Nation's landmark $600 million lawsuit. In a 6-3 decision, the justices said the largest tribe in the country failed to make a showing under Supreme Court precedents used in breach of trust cases....

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Indian leaders and Indian law scholars reacted with caution to two trust rulings issued by the Supreme Court on Tuesday. The split nature of the decisions -- one against the Navajo Nation, the other in favor of the White Mountain Apache Tribe of Arizona -- prevented observers from declaring a total victory....

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A deeply divided Supreme Court on Tuesday cleared the way for an Arizona tribe to recover money damages for the federal government's failure to meet its trust responsibilities. Rejecting arguments proffered by the Bush administration, the court upheld the White Mountain Apache Tribe's claim....

The California Wilderness Coalition named the Klamath Basin to its 10 most threatened wild places list. Last fall's massive fishkill prompted the addition....

The Canyons of the Ancients National Monument in Colorado has suffered another vandalism attack although no archaeological sites appear to have been damaged. Previously, the Bureau of Land Management has reported pot hunting, unauthorized fires, graffiti, illegal digging and other abuses....

The state of Washington sued the Department of Energy on Tuesday, alleging the federal government broke promises to clean up the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in exchange for storing more waste at the site. The state asked a federal court to stop future shipments until the DOE agrees to a cleanup schedule that carries the weight of law....

Republicans in the Wisconsin Senate failed to override Governor Jim Doyle's veto of their gaming oversight bill. The 20-11 vote was one short of the two-thirds majority needed....

A jury in Washington convicted a man for murdering a member of the Tulalip Tribes. George Jimicum, 24, died at a party on the reservation....

The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and its casino will be honored by the Special Olympics Connecticut for the their contributions to the organization. The tribe has donated $50,000 every year and has given volunteer time, The New London Day reported....

The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma experienced a rise in enrollment after the United Keetowah Band was forced to cut back on some services, The Tahlequah Daily Press reports. The UKB says its enrollment has grown to about 9,000....

The Navajo Nation's agribusiness estimates it will see a $2 million profit this year, The Farmington Daily Times reports. Navajo Agricultural Products Industry board chairman Gary Nelson said the additional money would be realized by selling excess water and alfalfa....

Republicans want the Senate to vote tomorrow on the nomination of a federal appeals court judge. Democrats have been filibustering Miguel Estrada, President Bush's pick to the D.C....

Two former officials of the Turtle Mountain Ojibwe Tribe of North Dakota are being sent to federal prison for stealing from the tribe. Former chairman Raphael DeCoteau was sentenced to 27 months in prison and four years of probation....

The United South and Eastern Tribes (USET), which represents more than 20 tribes from Maine to Florida, passed a resolution in opposition to a proposed bridge in Florida. USET says the Fort Hamer project would damage a site significant to the Seminole people....

Nearly 50 bison from Yellowstone National Park were taken to slaughter on Tuesday with 100 more headed to their deaths. The state of Montana is allowed to shoot bison that wander out of the park....

The American Indian Journalism Institute is accepting nominations for student journalists, the Freedom Forum announced. The three-week program takes place at the University of South Dakota....

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is releasing a report today that cites the positive and negative impacts of drilling in Alaska's North Slope. The report, commissioned by Congress, says that the effects of development have "accumulated" on Alaska Natives and the environment....

The Bureau of Indian Affairs has recognized Ken Chambers as principal chief of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma. Chamber was elected in summer 2001 but former chief Jerry Haney claimed power....

The Senate Indian Affairs Committee will meet this morning to consider the nomination of Ross Swimmer as Special Trustee at the Department of Interior. Last week's 10-3 vote failed to advance due to procedural objections....

The Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled for one tribe but against another in two closely-watched breach of trust cases. In a 6-3 ruling, the justices said the Navajo Nation failed to show the existence of a fiduciary relationship between the tribe and the federal government....

Montana's attorney general is fighting a law that requires new political districts to be drawn in the state. Republicans passed the law because they said seven Indian-majority districts drawn up by a state commission were too favorable to Democrats....