Monday, June 10, 2002

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The Supreme Court avoided Indian law cases this term like the plague but picked two that could have a dramatic impact on tribes nationwide....

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Tribal leaders now engaged in settlement talks with the Bush administration have spent months mired in a turf war that pits their interests against those of tribal members affected by the Indian trust fund lawsuit....

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One tribe's whale hunt remains intact thanks to a federal appeals court while another one affecting Alaska Natives languishes amid an international power play....

The state of Oklahoma hoisted "The Guardian" atop its capitol on Friday, the last state in the Union to complete its dome work but the first to feature a Native American....

Native Americans turned out to support a tribal member running for governor of South Dakota but not in large enough numbers to make a difference....

The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation offered Democrats money to fight a candidate who wants the tribe terminated....

A public-private coalition that includes tribes is working on a new research center to house thousands of artifacts at the Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado....

A joint state-federal study on coalbed methane drilling is drawing complaints by the public....

Republican activists are wrapping up work on a research project that identifies the political proclivities of lobbyists....

The Red Lake Nation of Minnesota is hosting its seventh annual Economic Development Summit next week....

An environmental group has filed suit in federal court to stop ranchers on the Coeur d'Alene Reservation from burning their grass fields....

The Sealaska Heritage Institute celebrated its 20th annual biennial gathering of Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian tribal members from Alaska and Canada....

Fighting crime on reservations in Arizona ranked ahead of terrorism prior to September 11's attacks, The Los Angeles Times reports....

American Indian Movement activist and actor Russell Means has a running mate for his New Mexican gubernatorial race....

The Sioux Falls Argus Leader in an editorial today praises a new project underway on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation in South Dakota....

A poll conducted by The Washington and ABC News shows most Americans support the creation of a Department of Homeland Security....

Minnesota's tribes showed economic improvement over the past decade, according to Census figures examined by The Minneapolis Star Tribune....

The state of South Dakota moved a member of the Yankton Sioux Tribe to tears by questioning whether the discovery of remains at a work site was faked....

The Seneca Nation of New York is pushing Governor George Pataki (R) to finalize a gaming compact that tribal members have approved....

Poarch Creek chairman Eddie Tullis is accusing the state of Alabama of unfairly targeting his tribe....

Sandia Pueblo in New Mexico dedicated its new church, the result of a $2.3 million effort financed by gaming profits....

A federal appeals court on Friday paved the way for a South Dakota tribe to recover funds illegally paid to a casino company, vindicating a tribal member who once helped to uncover a federal fraud scheme....

The Kansas state Board of Education will consider banning all Indian-themed mascots at public schools....