Justice Department releases reports on stimulus grants to tribes
The Office of the Inspector General at the Department of Justice has released two audit reports that look into stimulus grants awarded to tribes.

One report found that the reviewers of grants for the Office on Violence Against Women miscalculated the scores for at least 39 out of 76 tribal applications. This resulted in at least two tribes being denied money despite receiving higher scores than other applicants.

"The miscalculations resulted in some Tribal Governments proposals being ranked above other proposals that we determined should have received higher peer review scores," the report said.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided $21.4 million to decrease and respond to violent crimes committed against American Indian and Alaska Native women, the report noted.

The second report looked into $225 million in stimulus funding for correctional facilities in Indian Country. The audit found that the some tribal applicants failed to submit all of the information required for a grant.

Reviewers put a hold on some applications with missing information while allowing others to move forward, according to the report. However, the report said that the awards were made "in compliance with established policies and procedures."

Get the Story:
Watchdog finds flaws in Office of Violence Against Women grants (McClatchy Newspapers 7/14)

OIG Reports:
The Office on Violence Against Women’s Recovery Act Grant Selection Process, Audit Report 10-31 (July 2010)
Review of the Award Process for the Bureau of Justice Assistance American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Correctional Facilities on Tribal Lands Grant Program, Report 10-26 (June 2010)