
US Attorney in Montana holds first Indian Crime Unit meeting

Mike Cotter, the U.S. Attorney for Montana convened the first meeting of the Indian Crime Unit on Thursday.

Cox created the unit last October. Federal and tribal prosecutors will work together to address crime and justice issues on the state's seven reservations.

“The United States Attorney’s Office is delighted to see the tribal prosecutors coming together,” Cotter said in a press release. “When my office is in close contact with its counterparts in Indian Country, we can better serve those affected by violence and crime in and around Indian Country.”

Sen. Jon Tester (D-Montana) addressed the group at its meeting. He said criminals are targeting reservations.

Get the Story:
Press Release: Tester announces Montana tribal prosecutor’s organization (Sen. Tester 3/24)
Tribal attorneys share woes fighting reservation crime (The Great Falls Tribune 3/25)

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