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Native America Calling: Culture and athleticism with stickball
Friday, November 4, 2022

Stickball: culture and athleticism
Stickball is the older, rougher cousin of lacrosse, developed many centuries ago as both a game and a training exercise.

The United States government once deemed stickball one of the cultural connections they needed to eliminate in the effort to assimilate Native children through missionary-run boarding schools. The game survived that assault and keeps gaining momentum, played by local clubs and in competitive national tournaments.

Cherokee Traditions: Stickball Stick Making

In ancient times, the game of stickball was played as a way to settle disputes without going to war. Today, the game is still played by Cherokee communities as a fun activity for all ages. Join Cherokee artist Stan Paden as he shows how he makes the sticks used in the game — demonstrating the traditional way he learned as well as the modern methods he developed as an effort to preserve a piece of Cherokee heritage. #CherokeeTraditions

Posted by Visit Cherokee Nation on Friday, February 4, 2022
Visit Cherokee Nation: Stickball Stick Making[/fc]

Join Native America Calling to hear about the origins and growing future for the nation’s oldest team sport.

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