
Letter: Tribe reaches out to Mexico

FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 2002

Viejas Band, California, Vice Chairman Bobby L. Barrett: "I was filled with sorrow to see Viejas Casino portrayed in Joel Millman's May 7 story as making money by taking advantage of Mexican nationals and abusing our status as sovereign governments. Nothing is further from the truth.

The Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians has taken great pride in our relationships with the Latina/Latino people of California and San Diego County, as well as with the governments of Baja Norte.

We are generous in donations and contributions to our neighbors and nonprofit service organizations in San Diego, and Baja Norte, Mexico. We are generous because we know how it feels to be poor amid America's wealth. . ."

Get the Story:
Letter: We're Proud of the Jobs Our Casino Offers Mexicans (The Wall Street Journal 6/7)

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