
McCaleb aide ordered to testify


An aide to Assistant Secretary Neal McCaleb has been called to testify about her knowledge of destruction of e-mails against court orders and government policy.

Jean Maybee, a staff member, is the latest to be implicated in an ongoing probe targeting the outgoing Bureau of Indian Affairs director. Special master Alan Balaran, a court investigator for the Indian trust fund lawsuit, ordered her to appear before him tomorrow morning.

The probe centers on McCaleb's repeated destruction of e-mails. From December 2001 to October 2002, he admitted that he did not follow his own policy to retain the documents.

The court overseeing the debacle has ordered that all trust fund records be preserved. McCaleb could face sanctions for his contemptuous behavior.

Maybee is a career employee at the BIA. She worked in the Office of the Assistant Secretary prior to McCaleb's arrival.

Balaran has been authorized to prepare a report on the e-mail issue and potentially make recommendations about punishment for the behaviors.

Relevant Documents:
Special Master Letter on Maybee Deposition (12/3)

Relevant Links:
Indian Trust, Department of Interior -
Indian Trust: Cobell v. Norton -
Cobell v. Norton, Department of Justice -
Trust Reform, NCAI -

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