
Tribe worried about toxic cleanup

APRIL 5, 2001

The Coeur d'Alene Tribe of Idaho on Wednesday said it would support an agreement not to put a toxic log yard near its reservation on the government's Superfund list but wants the site cleaned up as soon as possible.

The tribe had wanted the St. Maries log yard put on the Environmental Protection Agency's Superfund list, which would bring federal dollars to the site. The log yard contains creosote, which can cause cancer.

The state's Republican Congressional delegation opposed the listing, however. Some local communmities opposed it as well.

Yesterday, the various parties met with the EPA, who agreed not to make the designation. In return, various parties will work to pay for and clean up the site as quickly as possible.

Get the Story:
EPA won't seek St. Maries Superfund (The Spokesman Review 4/5)

Relevant Links:
EPA Region 10, Including listing for St. Maries Log Yard -
The Superfund Program -

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