
Separate appeal of Katie John denied


The Supreme Court on Monday turned down a Republican-led effort to appeal the landmark Katie John subsistence rights case.

The Alaska State Legislature had asked to intervene in the case after Gov. Tony Knowles, a Democrat, stopped all appeals. The Republican-controlled Legislature said there is still a conflict between federal and state law.

Federal trust responsibilities require a Native priority on fishing and hunting rights. The state's constitution prohibits any sort of preference.

Knowles is finalizing an amendment to change the constitution as a result.

The case is named after Athabaskan elder Katie John, who fought the state's initial subsistence fishing camp more than a decade ago. She was recently honored as the Citizen of the Millennium by the Alaska Federation of Natives.

Get the Story:
High court refuses appeal to John case (AP 11/27)

Relevant Links:
Subsistence Amendment, Alaska Governor Tony Knowles -
Native subsistence rights, Native American Rights Fund -
Alaska Federation of Natives -
Katie John et al. v. State of Alaska -

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