
Ashcroft says trust lacking in FBI

TUESDAY, JULY 17, 2001

In his first speech to FBI employees, Attorney General John Ashcroft on Monday said the troubled agency must work to restore the nation's trust and confidence.

But he also praised the agency for its good works. The speech was seen as a pep rally for employees and agents who have been targeetd in recent years for failures in a number of high-profile cases.

Ashcroft has allowed for greater investigation of the FBI by his own officials and is conducting an internal review. Congress is also holding hearings on FBI conduct.

President Bush has nominated Robert S. Mueller III to take over the agency. His term would last 10 years.

Get the Story:
Ashcroft: FBI Must Regain Trust (The Washington Post 7/17)
Ashcroft tries to boost morale at FBI (AP 7/16)

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