
BIA: No evidence tribe existed

AUGUST 10, 2000

At a meeting discussing the federal recognition of two Pequot tribes, Bureau of Indian Affairs researchers asserted their finding of no evidence that the Paucatuck Eastern Pequot tribe existed as a separate entity before 1973.

Continuous existence as an entity is a mandatory federal recognition criteria. But due to a split which apparently occured in 1973 among the Eastern Pequot tribe of the Lantern Hill reservation, the two tribes are petitioning separately.

On Tuesday, Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Chairman Kenneth Reels commented that his tribe supports the existence of two separate tribes who have lived on the reservation. John Brown, tribal preservation officer of the Narragansett Tribe of Rhode Island, agreed on Wednesday.

Both cited tribal histories denoting the differences between the two. George Roth, a BIA researcher, also admitted "theoetically," that the tribes could have existed separately.

Still, there exists no evidence in the public record so far which shows that. Steve Austin, a researcher for the Paucatuck Eastern Pequot tribe, said on Tuesday and Wednesday that he will present evidence which show the tribe has existed continuously since the late 1800s.

Any evidence submitted by the tribe or other interested parties would be taken under consideration in the final ruling on recognition. The final detetermination won't be made until 2001.

The proposed findings on the Paucatuck tribe denotes the shortcoming. Other lack of evidence for both tribes are also clearly spelled out.

Reels did not attend the Wednesday session.

Ed. Note: John Brown was mistakenly identified as Matthew Thomas, Chief Sachem of the Narragansett Tribe.

Relevant Links:
Family Tree Software -
Connecticut Attorney General's Office -
Media Advisory, Pequot Meeting (includes map of location) -
The Bureau of Indian Affairs -
Eastern Pequot Preliminary Recognition -
Paucatuck Eastern Pequot Preliminary Recognition -

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