
Clinton wins New York

NOVEMBER 8, 2000

Hillary Clinton became the first First Lady in history today to be elected to public office and the first woman elected to Senate from New York, defeating Republican challenger Representative Rick Lazio.

Despite being painted by her opponent and others in the state as a non-native, Clinton was able to capture the attention of voters in the state. By late Tuesday night, Clinton accepted victory with some 56 percent of the vote.

Along with her husband, outgoing President Bill Clinton, and her daughter, Clinton appeared in Manhattan to address her supporters.

"Thank you for opening up your minds and your hearts, for seeing the possibility of what we can do together for our children, and for our future here in this state and in our nation," Clinton said.

"Because of you -- here we are," she said.

Indian leaders and voters in New York will no doubt watch Clinton closely during her term. Land claims, taxation, and gaming are key issues facing tribes in the state.

Clinton's position is clear on one: she supports gaming. Her position on land claims is less defined, as she has criticized the Department of Justice for their involvement in lawsuits against landowners and has called for out-of-court settlements.

Her husband's enthusiastic support and commitment to tribes and tribal sovereignty will no doubt have an effect on her positions, however.

But the defeat of Lazio is sure to please Indian Country, as Lazio made several missteps on Indian issues throughout his campaign. It began with his position that tribes were "given" land, a viewpoint a staffer later said Lazio directed to tribes in the West.

More recently, a radio ad running in upstate New York was frowned upon by several tribes as racist and misleading. Anti-Indian tensions in the area run high.

Democrats scored big in New York, with Al Gore winning the state. But they also captured Lazio's vacant House seat with Steven Israel winning against Republican Joan Johnson.

Get the latest results:
NY Senate Results (The Washington Post)

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