
Action urged on Gorton judgeship

FEBRUARY 22, 2001

Indian Country should flex its political muscle and voice its opposition to a federal judgeship for Slade Gorton, tribal leaders were told on Thursday.

Addressing the winter session of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) in Washington, DC, John Echohawk of the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) urged tribal leaders to "start writing those letters now" to President Bush and other lawmakers. Like many others, Echohawk has been worried by the 48 Republican Senators who are urging Bush to nominate the defeated Washington Senator to the federal bench.

"This man would not be a good appointee," said Echohawk. "Let's try to stop this before it gets too far."

Ernie Stensgar, Chairman of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe of Idaho has already begun his efforts. He's drafted a letter on behalf of the Northwest Indian Council aimed at defeating Gorton before he even gets to bat.

Stensgar's tribe and the other members of the council would be among the most affected by a Gorton judgeship. Itching for a conservative on the bench, the Senators -- including Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado, the only Native American in the Senate -- want Gorton considered for a spot in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, whose jurisdiction includes the entire Northwest.

But tribes in Arizona, California, and Nevada would would also be included. Also, should Gorton be nominated for a spot on the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, tribes all over the country would be affected as well.

The only Republican Senator who isn't supporting Gorton is John McCain of Arizona. McCain's spokesperson said the Senator disagrees with his former colleague on a number of tribal sovereignty issues.

Relevant Links:
The National Congress of American Indians -
Native American Rights Fund -
Republican Policy Committee -
Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell -
Senator John McCain -
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals -
District of Columbia Court of Appeals -

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