
Bush: People hate us

MAY 2, 2001

President Bush on Tuesday said there were "tyrants" throughout the world who hate the United States so the country needs a missle defense system.

Said Bush: "Like Saddam Hussein, some of today's tyrants are gripped by an implacable hatred of the United States of America.

"They hate our friends. They hate our values. They hate democracy and freedom, and individual liberty. Many care little for the lives of their own people. In such a world, Cold War deterrence is no longer enough to maintain peace, to protect our own citizens and our own allies and friends."

Lawmakers estimate it will cost $60 billion to $100 billion to build a minimal missle defense system.

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Text: Bush on Missile Defense (eMediaMillWorks 5/1)

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New Era Not Here Yet, Say Critics (The Washington Post 5/2)