
Miss Indian World: GOP hypocrisy

AUGUST 3, 2000

A special to Indianz.Com

In 1996, I was asked by the state of New Mexico Republican Party to be a page during the convention in San Diego. They were looking for a registered Republican who happened to be American Indian.

However, I was registered as an Independent. I guess it was difficult for them to find a "real" Native American Republican.

What was interesting was a request from Senator Pete Domenici of my home state. I was asked not to wear the normal page uniform, but instead my traditional Pueblo regalia.

It was hot wearing a traditional manta made of wool in all the humidity. It was also tiring having to undergo countless security checks because of all the silver jewelry I wore.

But wearing my regalia made me really proud to be American Indian in this political atmosphere because I was able to educate the politicians and delegates about our shared issues as Native people.

And let me tell you, it was sometimes difficult educating predominately white, Christian people that American Indians are still alive and well and that we aren't just part of a paragraph they read in some history book!

Well this year, I made the choice. I changed my party affiliation. I believed, and still believe, in Senator John McCain of Arizona.

But when I called the state Republican headquarters to ask if there were any Native American delegates or pages this year, my inquiry fell of deaf ears. I called continuously twice a week since early May, but my inquiries went unanswered.

Now I read about the GOP taking an "interest" in American Indian issues.

So where is the presence of Native Americans at the convention? It seems some members of the "Grand Ole' Party" are still hypocritical.

I often wonder. Did I made the correct choice to change my party affiliation?

Shayai Lucero is Miss Indian World 1997. She is Acoma and Laguna Pueblo from New Mexico. She resides in New Mexico and works in a firm specializing in tribal outreach.

Relevant Links:
The Republican National Convention -

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