
Napster limited by ruling

FEBRUARY 13, 2001

In a victory for the recording industry, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday ruled that Napster, a popular music-sharing service, must prevent its users from trading copyrighted music files.

But the California company hasn't been shut down just yet, as many users had feared. Over the weekend, millions logged onto Napster's servers, hoping to download their songs of choice before the ruling.

The company itself isn't backing down either. Lawyers for the company might ask the full panel of judges to rehear the case. Three judges issued yesterday's ruling.

The company could also appeal to the Supreme Court.

Get the Ruling:
A&M RECORDS, INC. v. NAPSTER, INC. (No 00-16401, 00-16403 9th Circuit February 2001)

Get the Story:
Napster Must Halt Online Music Swaps (The Washington Post 2/13)

Relevant Links:
Napster, Inc. -

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