Gore appeals to nation
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NOVEMBER 28, 2000

Facing probably the most difficult fight in his political career, Vice President Al Gore took his case to the American public on Monday night, calling on a full and accurate count of the votes in Florida.

So what should Americans do in the meantime? Wait and be patient, said Gore, while blaming Republicans for holding up a complete count in Florida.

"Ignoring votes means ignoring democracy itself," said Gore. "And if we ignore the votes of thousands in Florida in this election, how can you or any American have confidence that your vote will not be ignored in a future election?

The Gore campaign is moving forward with its challenges to Sunday night's certification in Florida, which effectively gave the state's 25 Electoral College votes to Texas Governor George W. Bush. Bush, meahwhile, has already proclaimed himself President and has called on running mate Dick Cheney to lead the transition effort.

Fresh from his mild heart attack, Cheney has taken helm. On Monday, he said he was disappointed that the General Services Administration (GSA) won't turn over $5.3 million in federal funds to them.

The GSA says they can't release the money due to pending lawsuits over who won the election. So, instead, the Bush campaign will ask for private donations to help their effort.

Cheney said they have a right to do so, claiming authority under The Presidential Transition Act of 1963, which was amended in 1988. But one of their own lawsuits challenging the Florida Supreme Court's decision to extend the deadline for certification has yet to be resolved.

On Friday, the Bush and Gore campaigns will make their case before the Supreme Court. Briefs for the hearing are due in today but television cameras won't be allowed, says the Court.

The cable network C-SPAN asked the Court to allow its cameras to film the hearing. The Court's policy is to disallow audio or video coverage.

Watch/Read Gore:
VIDEO: Vice President Al Gore's Address (AP 11/27)
TEXT: Gore Speech on His Florida Challenge (eMediaMillWorks 11/27)

Watch/Read Cheney:
VIDEO: Dick Cheney on Transtion (AP 11/27)
TEXT: Cheney on the Transition (eMediaMillWorks 11/27)

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