tag: undrip

Museums and educational institutions are facing new pressures to comply with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act amid high-level attention to the decades-old law.
Thacker Pass
Tribal communities are on the frontlines of a push to create new, domestic sources for lithium.
Nooksack Families
Human rights experts from the United Nations are calling on the United States to prevent the evictions of former citizens of the Nooksack Tribe.
Grey Owl
There is a growing movement to identify and call-out people who have fraudulently held positions by claiming indigeneity like Cheyanne Turions, Joseph Boyden, Michelle Latimer and Carrie Bourassa.
Wendy Phillips
Indigenous ceremonies have been central to Indigenous health and well-being since time immemorial.
Palestinian people are native and have a right to live freely upon their ancestral lands.