Indianz.Com > COVID-19 > Pueblo of Laguna (New Mexico)
Posted: February 3, 2021


A message from Governor John E. Antonio, Sr of the Pueblo of Laguna:

“I trust all is well with you and your families. Due to the recent increases in Covid-19 positive cases and the resultant increases in quarantines, I am directing that all Tribal Program Offices close immediately and Tribal Employees begin teleworking until further notice.

The following exception will be allowed. Those Tribal Employees who must come to the office to complete their work will be allowed to do so. However, this exception will be totally at the discretion of the Tribal Employee. All safety precautions must be followed and when you finish your work, you must exit the workplace immediately.

Mr. Bowekaty, our Chief Operations Officer, will work with the EOC to have them issue the proper masks that will provide the most protection. These masks will become the official safety mask and must be worn at all times.

Your compliance with these directives is expected and appreciated. Have a great day and please be safe. Thank you!”


Pueblo of Laguna COVID-19:


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