Yankton Sioux Tribe in push to save emergency room

The Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota is making a last-minute push to keep its emergency room up and running.

The tribe hopes to convince Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) to approve the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. The bill, S.1200, contains provisions to keep the 24-hour emergency room operating.

The tribe is also considering a court challenge to the Indian Health Service. A federal judge has previously said IHS could cut hours at the emergency room.

The reduced hours go into effect March 1. It will be open 7am through 11pm Monday through Saturday. It will be closed overnight, Sundays and holidays.

Get the Story:
YST Makes Push To Save ER (The Yankton Press and Dakotan 2/13)

Relevant Links:
Indian Health Service - http://www.ihs.gov

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