
Connelly: Alaska's pipe dream

FRIDAY, JULY 13, 2001

"Oil companies may have an even more ambitious goal than drilling the [Arctic National Wildlife] refuge. Alaska's North Slope holds at least 35 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, a massive energy resource if it could be transported to the lower 48. . .

With a gas pipeline, Alaskans might at last have a workable dream, and an alternative to protracted war over drilling oil in America's greatest wilderness."

Get the Story:
Peruvian farmers battle Canadian mining giant over future of their lands (Joel Connelly. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 7/13)

Relevant Links:
Gwich'in Steering Committee -
Oil Issues in ANWR, US Fish and Wildlife -
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, US Fish and Wildlife Service -
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Pro-Development site -

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