
Senators seek improved Indian business program


The following is a press release from Senator Pete Domenici (R-N.M.).

U.S. Senator Pete Domenici today endorsed establishing a specific funding level to ensure stable support for a federal program expected to help New Mexico’s Indian tribes promote small business growth.

Domenici, a member of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, is among a bipartisan group of Senators who are formally requesting increased funding for the Native American Business Development Centers (NABDCs) program within the U.S. Department of Commerce. The lawmakers are also asking that specified funding be set aside NABDCs.

"Indian tribes face significant challenges in helping start small business ventures and helping them succeed. I believe money we designate for helping them should be set aside and used for that specific purpose. Our ongoing efforts to help women and other minorities to succeed at small business ventures should not come at a cost of the American Indian program," Domenici said.

Domenici signed a letter to the Senate appropriations subcommittee that funds the Department of Commerce to ask that $1.9 million be set-aside within the overall funding for the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) to support existing NABDCs.

For FY2003, MBDA received $28.9 million and the President has requested $29.5 million for the program in FY2004. NABDCs, as well as the Native American Business Consultant program, are funding within the MBDA account.

"We are concerned to hear that, in the absence of specific direction from Congress, MBDA has reduced NABDC/NABC funding to $1.6 million, down from the $1.9 million provided in the past," the letter signed by Domenici said. "Since their inception, NABDCs have had to push for level funding or struggle under reduced funding. Yet their program requirements and responsibilities have grown by some 200 to 300 percent."

The letter pointed out that MBDA funding shifts resulted in eliminated funding for the New Mexico NABDC and the Northwest NABDC.

Domenici serves on the Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Subcommittee that will develop the FY2004 funding legislation for the Commerce Department and the NABDCs.

Relevant Links:
Native American Affairs, SBA -
Sen. Pete Domenici -

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