Narragansett casino question going to high court

Rhode Island Gov. Donald Carcieri (R) asked the state Supreme Court on Friday to rule on the constitutionality of a referendum on the Narragansett Tribe's casino.

Carcieri claims an earlier ruling held that a casino is a "lottery operation and facility." He said state law bans all private-owned casinos and wants the court's backing.

Carcieri vetoed legislation putting the casino proposal on the November ballot. Democrats say they have enough votes for an override but have not yet acted.

The tribe is barred from opening a casino on its settlement reservation due to a Congressional rider.

Get the Story:
Carcieri will go to court (The Pawtucket Times 7/10)
Carcieri seeks court's opinion on casino referendum (The Providence Journal 7/10)
Violet, Montiero qualify 'support' for casino proposal (The Providence Journal 7/12)
Joe Larisa Jr.: Harrah's casino plan is unconstitutional (The Providence Journal 7/12)