Narragansett Tribe cites immunity in ICWA case
The Narragansett Tribe of Rhode Island says its leaders cannot be forced to testify in an Indian Child Welfare Act case.

The tribe wants a federal judge to prevent council member Randy Noka from taking the stand in a child custody dispute that's being heard in state court. At issue is whether Noka can provide information about a child who may or may not be eligible for membership in the tribe.

The tribe already sent one of its advocates to the state court trial. The advocate said the child. whose father is Narragansett, is not eligible for membership.

Jackie Robinson says Noka might testify otherwise because membership decisions are up to the tribal council. Robinson is trying to regain custody of his two-year-old daughter.

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Narragansett Indian Tribe tries to block subpoena of tribal leader (The Providence Journal 10/27)