Tim Giago: Republicans show hypocrisy on the 14th Amendment

Anchor Babies, a comic by Matt Bors. Image from Matt Bors

The 14th Amendment did not include American Indians
By Tim Giago
Native Sun News Editor Emeritus

The Republican candidate for the presidency of the United States brought it up first.

Donald Trump suggested that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States be changed. That amendment automatically guarantees the right of citizenship to anyone born on American soil even if the child’s parents are in the United States illegally.

Trump’s suggestion to deny citizenship to illegal immigrants immediately raised a stink amongst some of his Republican opponents, all of the Democrats running for president, judges, lawyers and the Hispanic community.

Visit the all new Native Sun News website to read the full story: Tim Giago: The 14th Amendment did not include American Indians.

(Tim Giago, Editor Emeritus of Native Sun News can be reached at unitysodak1@vastbb.net)

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