Native Sun News: Northern Cheyenne Tribe faces fire over plans for Bear Butte campground

At the base of Noavosse (Good Mountain) on land owned by the Northern Cheyenne Tribe of Montana is this plaque which pays homage to the Cheyenne Prophet Sweet Medicine.

Council proposes biker camp at Bear Butte
Members of Northern Cheyenne Tribe gather to oppose plan
By Clara Caufield
Native Sun News Correspondent

LAME DEER, Mont. –– The Bingo Hall at the Charging Horse Casino, Northern Cheyenne Reservation was filled to near capacity as members of the Tribe gathered to address a working session of the Tribal Council, in unanimous opposition to a plan to commercialize tribally owned property at Bear Butte.

The meeting, organized by Vice-President Winfield Russell, came on the heels of a Council vote in July to approve a plan developed by the Northern Cheyenne Housing Authority (NCHA) and the Northern Cheyenne Development Corporation (NCDC) to renovate the former “Free Spirit” Campground located at the base of Bear Butte and now owned by the Northern Cheyenne Tribe in hopes of luring biker customers attending the Sturgis Bike Rally.

Lame Deer Council member, William Rowland, a former NCHA employee introduced resolutions, seconded by Sergeant of Arms and Ashland Council member Tracey Robinson as a last-minute add-on to the Tribal Council agenda, said Russell, the only dissenting vote.

“No one, including myself knew about this beforehand,” the Vice-President explained. “In order to pursue development at Bear Butte, it would be necessary to rescind Resolution DOI-009 (2015) passed to prevent any economic development on the Bear Butte properties due to our ceremonial and spiritual way of life.”

During the July Council session, Russell was able to get the issue tabled, pending consultation with tribal ceremonial and spiritual leaders, including the Tribal Cultural Commission, appointed by the Tribe to advise the tribal council on decisions related to cultural, ceremonial and spiritual matters.

Resolution DOI-009 (2015) and the proposed resolution approved by the Tribal Council in July, 2016 are at stark contract. The first resolution provides the following guidance: "The Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council hereby creates a priority for cultural and traditional activities on the newly acquired property known as Free Spirit Campground property, situated near our Sacred Mountain, Bear Butte, Sturgis, S.D.; and these lands will not be developed for commercial purposes but instead will remain a place that promotes Northern Cheyenne cultural and traditional activities and contributes to the sacred practices that are practiced at Bear Butte and that promote the general well-being of the Cheyenne people.”

The 2016 resolution approved by a majority vote of the Council, but awaiting signature of the Tribal President and BIA approval would: rescind Resolution DOI-009 (2015) in its entirety and allow Economic Development activities to be established on this tribal property and approve the Northern Cheyenne Development Corporation to develop and implement economic development activities on the Bear Butte property on behalf of the Northern Cheyenne people, Tribe and its members.

Under a plan prepared by NCHA and NCDC, the Housing Authority would assist in getting the campground prepared for upcoming events, including the Sturgis Bike Rally, while at the same time preserving and maintaining the sacredness of the Mountain, including cultural training for staff and guests.

After renovations are complete, the campground would be managed by NCDC providing 22 RV hookups; 10 cabins; 25 camp sites and 5 teepees for rentals to rally visitors and laying the framework for additional future development. Under the proposal, the projected net revenues range from $39,500 – $10,000. Specifically, the campground would be open for bikers for ten days during the Sturgis Rally and the campground would be drug and alcohol free.

Find the rest of the story on the all-new Native Sun News website: Council proposes biker camp at Bear Butte

(Contact Clara Caufield at

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