Indianz.Com > COVID-19 > First Nations Development Institute
Posted: March 16, 2020

From the First Nations Development Institute:

Dear Friends, Partners, Colleagues and Supporters,

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is presenting the world with an unprecedented situation that will have immediate and longer-term impacts on our communities, including the Native communities we serve.

At First Nations, we are doing our part to protect the health and safety of our staff and community partners. To this end, we have taken the following steps in response to this global pandemic:

Organization Operations
Starting March 16, First Nations staff will be working remotely. During this time, First Nations will continue to operate and conduct business virtually. You will still be able to reach our staff by email or by calling our office at (303) 774-7836.

All staff travel has also been suspended until further notice and we have also suspended all large events and gatherings. We anticipate grant-award timelines currently continuing as planned.

Commitment to Grantee Community Partners
We know these events may have an even greater effect on our community partners.  Thus, we commit to working with our grantee community partners and to providing required support and flexibility to navigate the evolving situation. The work taking place in local communities matters now more than ever, and we will support their efforts to protect their communities, advocate for policy change, and prepare for the widespread effects of this pandemic. If grantee community partners need any assistance, we encourage you to contact your program officer at First Nations.

Commitment to Our Funders
First Nations also will be working with our funders and the funding community to ensure that Native communities are seen and heard and not left out during this crisis.

Remember the Most Vulnerable
History tells us that these kinds of global crises can worsen inequality and have the greatest effects on those already most vulnerable. Let’s not forget about these communities, which include Native communities, as we think about our local, national and global responses to this current pandemic.

Staying Informed
We are following the guidance of leading organizations including the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), our local and state health departments and other leading government and health authorities. We encourage others to prioritize their health and safety by taking preventative measures, including practicing social distancing, frequently washing their hands, monitoring their health, and staying home or seeking care if they feel ill.

We know that our communities are resilient and compassionate and will take the necessary steps to protect their health and safety and that of their communities.

Any further updates will be announced on our website and social media.

Wishing you good health and safety.


Note: The First Nations Development Institute has rescheduled its Business of Indian Agriculture training to August 18-20 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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