Indianz.Com > COVID-19 > Native Learning Center (Seminole Tribe)
Posted: March 17, 2020

Native Learning Center COVID-19 Notice


Due to the current Public Health Emergency declared by the State of Florida and Chairman of the Seminole Tribe of Florida, the Tribal Council has declared an emergency closing tribal wide, , including the Native Learning Center (NLC), beginning March 16, 2020 until further notice. The NLC will continue to monitor this fluid situation and provide updates through email, our website and social media posts.


During this unusual time of CDC-mandated social distancing and quarantine, please know that the leadership, staff and instructors of the NLC are collaborating remotely on a daily basis in a coordinated effort to develop and implement quality NAHASDA-based training sessions (i.e. technical assistance, webinars, and podcasts) as usual for Native Americans and those individuals who work for tribal entities throughout Indian Country.


On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST, the NLC will have a webinar entitled Other Duties as Assigned: A Review of Tribal Housing Positions and Primary Responsibilities lead by instructor, Marie Bonville, MPAof Sunlight Armour Homes, LLC. Please register for this webinar here.


In addition on Friday, March 20, 2020 at 11 am EST, the NLC will release the newest Hoporenkv Podcast entitled, Low Income Housing Tax Creditspresented by Shelly Tucciarelli. Please follow this link to listen to any of the upcoming and current episodes of the Hoporenkv Podcast.

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