Rep. J.D. Hayworth: I told you so! On tribal labor

"Over four years ago I warned that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) was dangerously close to imposing its jurisdiction on Indian tribal governments. A few weeks ago, the NLRB did just that, voting 3 - 1 to overturn decades-old rulings that tribes are governmental entities not subject to the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).

The decision in the San Manuel case is an unprecedented attack on tribal sovereignty and an affront to longstanding federal Indian policy and practice. It ignores the Constitution, congressional intent, treaties, case law, and previous NLRB decisions. It puts tribal governments at the mercy of labor organizers."

Get the Story:
Rep. J.D. Hayworth: Tribal sovereignty under attack (Indian Country Today 6/25)

National Labor Review Board Decisions:
San Manuel Indian Bingo and Casino | Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation

Federal Court Decisions:
Snyder v. Navajo Nation (June 10, 2004) | NAT'L LABOR RELATIONS BD v. SAN JUAN PUEBLO (10th Circuit January 11, 2002) | NAT'L LABOR RELATIONS BD. v. CHAPA DE INDIAN HEALTH PROGRAM, INC (9th Ciruit January 16, 2003)

Relevant Links:
San Manuel Indian Bingo and Casino - http://www.sanmanuel.com
Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union - http://www.hereunion.org

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