Panel seeks stronger warning on antidepressant use

An advisory panel to the Food and Drug Administration voted 15-8 on Tuesday to encourage stronger warnings on the use of antidepressants by children and teenagers.

The panel said the so-called "black box" warning should inform physicians that children who use antidepressants are more likely to become suicidal. The panel also voted unanimously to require drug manufacturers to include a patients' guide the explains the increased risk.

The FDA concluded two days of testimony on antidepressant use and suicide among young people. Studies show that 2 to 3 percent of children and teenagers who used the drug will exhibit suicidal behavior or thoughts unrelated to their underlying depression.

Get the Story:
Child Antidepressant Warning Is Urged (The Washington Post 9/15)
F.D.A. Panel Urges Stronger Warning on Antidepressants (The New York Times 9/15)

Relevant Documents:
Joint Meeting of the Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee and the Pediatric Advisory Committee (FDA)

Relevant Links:
Food and Drug Administration -

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FDA links antidepressants to suicide in children (9/14)
Study links antidepressants to suicide in children (08/10)