Rally in North Dakota aims to 'stop' Lewis and Clark

A rally will be held October 21 at the United Tribes Technical College in North Dakota in protest of the Lewis and Clark bicentennial commemoration.

The rally is being organized by the Stop the Lewis and Clark Resistance Group, a group of Lakotas who call the $87 million commemoration a "travesty." Members of the group have confronted Lewis and Clark re-enactors in hopes of keeping them from following the path of the explorers.

The event is billed as a way to educate others on the Native viewpoint of the Lewis and Clark expedition. The group says the expedition led to social problems, a loss of cultural identity and stealing of Indian land.

The rally is scheduled to open with a ceremony by Lakota spiritual leaders. The Lakota drum group, Crazy Horse Singers from the Pine Ridge Reservation, will perform. Buggs Malone, a Native hip-hop artist, is also on the bill.

The rally will be held on the UTTC campus at the James Henry Building and will begin at 5pm with an evening meal.

On the day following the rally, the group protest the reenactment activities at the University of Mary campus in Bismarck, North Dakota.

Relevant Links:
Stop Lewis and Clark -

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