Harjo: Ann Coulter's failed supermodel career

"No one since P.T. Barnum has been more skilled at drawing a crowd and selling snake oil than writer Ann Coulter. And woe be to any poor soul in the vicinity of a book vendor who gets between Coulter and a camera.

Coulter is hawking ''Godless,'' her latest book in a series of mostly one-word titles - ''Treason and Slander'' among them - which makes the point ad nauseam that conservatives are good and liberals are bad.

Conservatism is anything she thinks. Liberalism is whatever anyone she dislikes thinks.

Coulter is a conservative Republican and cheerleader for the Bush administration. She would have her readers believe that Democrats are against America, liberals are against God and anyone who's not a Bushie is a devil.

Her book advances the slim premise that liberalism is a religion.

Here's an example of the way she develops her idea: ''Of course liberalism is a religion.''

It takes no more than a quick read of her pages or a viewing of one of her 20-second sound bites to understand the kind of child Coulter must have been. She writes like a kid throwing a tantrum - yelling for what she wants, repeating it ever more loudly and stamping her feet for emphasis.

Like a spoiled child, she doesn't care who she offends. And, if a passage of her book causes a brouhaha, all the better to sell books with, my dear."

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