Fool Bear: Democracy and Standing Rock Sioux
"Some believe that the issue of the Fighting Sioux nickname at UND issue is a cause that should be decided by an outspoken few. But that idea completely contradicts the fundamental principles of our civilization: majority rule and democracy.

Only on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation do the people have to fight for what is rightfully theirs — a democratic vote.

When an issue such as the nickname arises, and our “democratic” officials fail to represent the people, the people will represent themselves. And the only cartoon characters I see around here are those posing as leaders, those without the backbone to stand up for the majority.

Apparently, balanced research and common sense are beyond their comprehension. Because despite all the evidence built up revealing the true opinion of our people, these “posers” still stand against UND, full of excuses and self-pitying rhetoric.

The true power of a democratic nation lies not in its leaders but in its masses.

A simple question should be posed to every candidate for tribal office: “Do you believe in democracy, and will you give your people their vote?”

It is a very simple question that requires a simple answer."

Get the Story:
Steve Fool Bear: Standing Rock Sioux's voices must be heard (The Grand Forks Herald 9/28)

Another Opinion:
Kevin Schnepf: Finding UND a new nickname will be tricky (The Fargo Forum 9/27)

Also Today:
N.D. higher ed board to discuss Fighting Sioux nickname deadline (The Grand Forks Herald 9/26)

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