
James Giago Davies: Honoring the pain and suffering of Lakota people

James Giago Davies. Photo from Native Sun News

Not covering your heart
It’s not like turning your back on the flag
By James Giago Davies

Aberrant behavior is described in the dictionary as “a departure from what is normal, usual or expected, typically one that is unwelcome.” But what is aberrant for one group can be normal for another.

That is expected even when these groups are separated by time and distance. Friction can still result, and in all probability will result, and nothing better describes the entire transformation of the New World since Columbus.

Socially, propriety provides us with guidelines backed by law. Lying, cheating and stealing are seen as three aberrant behaviors in principle, but tolerated, encouraged and protected in practice.

Propriety can be very ambiguous for nefarious reasons like that, or it can be confusing as hell for reasons few of us can comprehend. There are laws against spitting on the sidewalk, still on the books, but laws against cannibalism are unnecessary. A woman could walk through the mall in a bikini, but if she tried it in a bra and panties, even though they cover five times as much private area as the bikini, she would be arrested for indecent exposure. You cannot show a person taking a leak on network TV, but it is fine to show him raping or murdering someone.

Read the rest of the story on the all new Native Sun News website: Not covering your heart

(James Giago Davies can be reached at skindiesel@msn.com)

Copyright permission Native Sun News

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