James Giago Davies: Learning the true power of Lakota people

James Giago Davies. Photo from Native Sun News

Defining the main Lakota virtue
By James Giago Davies

Power is a word with many meanings, and most of us think we understand all of them. For a long time I thought I understood power, the power of nature, of myth, the power of faith, of poetry, of prose, of speaking, of art, the power of positive thinking, the power of a boxer’s punch, a person’s status or position, even the power from the power and light provider.

But all this time I never understood how fundamentally hidden the true perceptions of power are in each one of us, how conditioned we are to act on the deeply internalized value we place upon power, a value so ingrained we aren’t even aware it motivates us. Wasicu culture dominates this planet. I don’t live in a self-deluded state, and so I acknowledge there is very little the Lakota can teach the Wasicu about anything. But there is one thing the Lakota have figured out, figured out thousands of years ago, and that is the purpose, perception and practice of power.

Europeans mock the stupidity and incompetence of anti-intellectual Americans; but extra stupid Americans have inexplicably managed to create and maintain the most powerful country in human history, and they dominate the world culturally and economically.

Read the rest of the story on the all new Native Sun News website: Defining the main Lakota virtue

(Contact James Davies at skindiesel@msn.com)

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