Doug George-Kanentiio: Law firms smell big pay day for Indian school abuse (May 3, 2019)

I know one thing: we must not cede our rights to be heard and to demand justice.

Clara Caufield: Remembering my old happy rez guard dog (May 3, 2019)

This week was the first anniversary since Ms. Reilly went on to the last camp. She was thirteen in dog years.

Native Sun News Today: Artist honors Native nations with 'Dignity' (May 3, 2019)

Dignity is fifty feet tall. Her moccasins are eight feet long. Her spirit is imperious and humble at the same time.

'We were born for this': Native women overcome obstacles in the legal field (May 3, 2019)

Opportunities for advancement within the legal profession are often rare for female Native attorneys but many are breaking new ground.