James Giago Davies: Reservation reality bows to reservation rhetoric (September 23, 2019)

Given enough time, powerless people hammer out an empowering narrative, so that when they face the people that took their power, they can maintain their dignity, and pride, and hope.

Native Sun News Today: Bamboozled by State jurisdiction (September 23, 2019)

Every tribe has one treasure it must protect from plunder, a treasure that dwarfs all other treasures combined — tribal sovereignty.

'Indigenous nations will sacrifice all we have to give to defend Unci Maka' (September 23, 2019)

Our ceremonies have told us to prepare for hard times. We are in those times.

The Oglala Sioux Tribe passes hate crime law protecting its LGBTQ citizens (September 23, 2019)

The Oglala Sioux Tribe may be first to pass a hate crime law providing protections for LBGTQ and two spirit people, but citizens remain divided over decision.

Ponca Chief Standing Bear completes one last journey of triumph (September 23, 2019)

Forced out of his people's homelands by the United States, Ponca Chief Standing Bear ended up becoming one of America’s greatest civil rights leaders.

Native women are paid only 57 percent of what White men make (September 23, 2019)

Today, we acknowledge the role that the wage gap plays in the many forms of centuries-long oppression of Native American Women.

Tim Giago: A matter of life and death at Indian Health Service hospital (September 23, 2019)

What is happening at the Sioux San Hospital in South Dakota is no longer a laughing matter.