Tribes may run hatcheries

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MAY 24, 2000

The federal government is considering plans to turn over several hatcheries in the Northwest to area tribes, a move some say is motivated by the desire to prevent the tribes from suing over poor salmon runs.

The four fisheries under consideration are the Umatilla and Lookingglass in northeastern Oregon, the Kooskia in Idaho and the Klickitat in south-central Washington.

The tribes involved in the talks are the Nez Perce, Umatilla, Yakama, and Warm Springs tribes. The Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, which represents the treaty interests of the tribes, is also participating.

Get the Story:
Officials consider giving some hatcheries to tribes (The Spokesman Review 5/23)

Relevant Links:
The Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission - Representing the Yakama, Umatilla, Warm Springs, and Nez Perce
Treaties with the Four Tribes by the CRITFC.