Young: So Full of (Dung)!

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At a Congressional hearing held on Wednesday, respect for one's fellow man appeared to be missing from the behavior of Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska).

Young expressed colonic concerns when Rep. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) spoke about the pristine beauty of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Inslee had just returned from a camping trip to the refuge with his sons.

Upon hearing Inslee wax poetic about ANWR, Young told the House Reosurces Committee Chairman that the description was "So full of (dung)," reports the Anchorage Daily News. Young said it loud enough that most people in the room could hear, reports the paper.

When Young himself got a chance to speak, he said that the coastal plain of ANWR is not all that pristine and virginal because an Inupiat Eskimo village and an abandoned military site are located there. Young later went on to tell Inslee: "Let's think About America for a change."

Along with other committee members, Young introduced an energy production bill earlier in the week The bill includes savings for offshore drilling in deep-water areas, increased saving for marginal oil and gas wells, and other incentives for oil companies. Young also included a provision to allow labor unions to organize in ANWR.

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ANWR still can rankle (The Anchorage Daily News 7/12)

Relevant Links:
Gwich'in Steering Committee -
Oil Issues in ANWR, US Fish and Wildlife -
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, US Fish and Wildlife Service -
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Pro-Development site -

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