Column: Churchill a nobody until 9/11 'scam'

"Ward Churchill has accomplished in two months what many in higher education can only imagine.

An obscure nobody, the Colorado University professor has become famous - and a made a few bucks - by concocting a brilliant and marvelously simple scam.

By comparing World Trade Center victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks to Nazis, he presented an argument so absurd and revolting it guaranteed him the notoriety and attention usually reserved for serious academics.

Nobody had heard of this guy six months ago. Then he called the terrorist victims "little Eichmanns" and, viola. He's a big star."

Get the Story:
John Carlson: 2 professors find fame, intolerance (The Des Moines Register 3/2)

Churchill's 9/11 Essay:
"Some People Push Back" On the Justice of Roosting Chickens (Pockets of Resistance September 2001)

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